关于我们 About Us
Tecway (China) Ltd.


德炜(中国)有限公司致立于柴油机和内燃机制造产业。自成立以来,在全国设立办事处,积极引进人才,搜寻高质量的产品,在复杂多变化、竞争激烈的市场环境中不断取得进步, 一直保持的平稳较快的增长。


Tecway (China) Ltd. was founded in 2004 in Hong Kong, and set up its subsidiary company, Shanghai Tecway Marine Equipment Co. Ltd. in Shanghai.

Tecway (China) Ltd. has offices strategically set up across the country and dedicated to industries like Diesel engine and Gas engine manufacturing. Since the establishment of the company, Tecway (China) Ltd. has strived to introduce talents, identified and imported high value products to the target market, and continued to make progress and maintain stable growth in the competitive market.

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联系我们 Contact Us
Room 405 Building No.4 ,Lane 356 YunLing West Road, PuTuo District,
Shanghai. China. 200333

电话/Tel: +86-21-6917 7750 / 6917 7751
传真/Fax:+86-21-6917 8636
邮箱/E-mail: info@tecwayintl.com
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